ZETA Educational Therapy, Inc opened in 2016 and continues to serve the South Bay in multiple locations.

What is Educational Therapy?
Educational Therapy is a form of therapy used to treat individuals with learning differences, disabilities, and challenges. This form of therapy offers a wide range of intensive interventions that are designed to resolve learners' learning challenges.

What is the Difference between Educational Therapy and Tutoring?
While a tutor generally focuses on teaching a specific subject matter or content, an Educational Therapist will focus on the pathology of learning for each specific student.
Educational Therapists also collaborate with all allied professionals on the students team.

How do Educational Therapists Determine the Best Approach for each Student?
With an eye towards differentiating the intervention process for each student, Educational Therapists review a broad range of information for each student. We highly encourage parents/guardian to share the results of any educational, psychological, or neuropsychological evaluations administered to the student. We also ask parents/guardians to complete a Student Intake Form before beginning services, so we can build a well-rounded picture of the student's personality, strengths, and struggles-both academically and psychologically.